

Sometimes, listing is the only way I can organize my thoughts. I've only recently discovered how much I like it, and I've been listing a lot more.
I need to put my pizza in the oven. I am going to finish watching the first disk of LOTR while my pizza is cooking and being eaten. I need a nap.
I'm going to finish my Middle East homework and outline what I need to study for the test coming up this week. I'm going to do some online class work. I'm going to edit my humanities paper and print it out.
I miss Misao.
I'm so proud that I have already cleaned my side of the room. 
That being said, I have accumulated a large pile of laundry that needs to get done.
I should do a load of dishes tonight. 
I need to go to the post office on Tuesday. or by Tuesday. one of those.
There are only 18 days until California. 
I really need a nap. I need to paint my nails. They are looking kind of gross right now.
I want yellow post-it notes. I have every other color imaginable but yellow. It bothers me for reasons unknown to myself.
I really want to be home in front of my fireplace, drinking hot chocolate and reading East of Eden while it snows outside. 
I had the weirdest dreams last night that involved my grandfathers truck, Cottonwood, my cousin, my old marching band, weebles wobbles, and pokemon suits. 
My birthday is in 25 days.


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