
unreliable but reliable

Dear Hamilton,

First, let me tell you how much I adore you. Even though things did not work out at all the way we planned, you still are and always will be my favorite car.
You have gotten me through this summer, and gave me the drive to work hard and save my money.

Hamilton therapy was and still is the best therapy.

I am sorry we tried to drag you across the country when you clearly told me that you didn't want to go. I am sorry that daddy put so much money into you when you clearly were tired and ready to be done. It just happens that dad knew how much I loved you and he wanted to give me the car that I loved. I guess we just were never meant to be.

You are back in New Hampshire now, and you can rest. We won't be asking much more from you from now on. Thank you for the last 8 years and for the 164,000 miles that you putted around for dad and for me. Thank you for being patient with me when I was learning how to drive. 

For a being very unreliable the last three days, you were very reliable getting us home. Thank you. I will miss you terribly. You were great.

Thank you, my little one, for reminding me that I am blessed, for opening my eyes to how wonderful and generous my parents are, and for continuing to show me that no matter what happens, life continues to be beautiful.

Know that you are loved.


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