
Structure Sundays: Plan

I need a list of goals/plans to complete over this summer and especially over these next two weeks:

  1. Read More. read a lot, actually. I need to finish Les Miserable. Fact.
  2. I want to learn how to paint. I think I'm going to ask my sister to teach me. She's very talented
  3. Always have sound. Music or the Weather Channel or conversation. Don't allow too much silence, ever.
  4. Don't stay up past one in the morning for a while and try to get up before eleven. I want to be tired enough that I can fall asleep every night without having to think too much
  5. Write. Just Write. Write letters, write stories, write memories. 
  7. Piano. I want to start playing again. Really playing. Work on my left hand, and get those notes down. 
  8. Guitar. I need to buy my brothers, get it restringed and get a capo. I want to be a pro.
  9. DO NOT DO ANYTHING WITH MY HAIR! Let it grow and let the color come back. 
  10. Swim/Swing everything out. If I am sad, if I am lonely, if I am angry, if I am hurting, Swing/swim it out. 
  11. Spend time with Julianna. Jeeps and Beaches. Chinese food. Yes.
  12. Save money so I can take my car out. Plan the epic road trip across the country. 
  13. Be happy, even when I'm not. find some small thing to be thankful for.

Please let this bitterness and anger I am feeling, please let it go away. Let me enjoy the few hours I have left with the people who I love. Let me be able to breathe. Let me have understanding. Let me express what I need to express. Please let me be strong.

These are my thoughts,
This is my prayer.

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