
I've decided...

...that time is the most ridiculous thing ever.
It passes by too slow or too fast. It changes things. It changes places, it changes things, it changes people, it changes relationships; it can even change love.
but, we live our lives by the clock. Seconds into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into months. No matter how it happens, time does pass. 
It brings good things. It brings bad things. It brings trials. It brings hope. It brings a new day every morning and it brings rest every night. 
Time and I have had a very intense battle lately. It just boggles my mind how somethings can be solid in one way and within a week; everything be totally different. I'm angry that my plans with time never really happen the way I want them. Time hurts. Memories of time past and thoughts of the time to come. It hurts. 
But I know it will pass. And I welcome the good things that it will bring. I welcome the trials that it has in store.
In this time of need and fear; where time goes by too fast and too slow at the same instance; when dreaming and plans and goals all seem to hold heartache; this is when I must remind myself and believe that there is a plan. There is a plan for me. I have a purpose and a reason and going through these emotions and trials right now are all part of the plan to make me a better person, a stronger person. Sometimes I don't see how I am going to get through the next few weeks. But I know that they will pass. I know that they will hold hurt and I know they will hold happiness. 
I am thankful, so so so thankful for the time I have had with my friends; both in Idaho and back home. Today, I am particularly grateful and humbled for all of the time I have had the opportunity to spend with my boyfriend. I have learned and I have grown so much in the time that we have shared over the last few months. I am thankful for all that he has taught me and all I have learned from him. Our time has passed too quickly for me, and now it is time for him to leave. It's sad. It's heartbreaking. Time has changed our thoughts and focuses. We've always known that we have had to face this reality, but we never realized how real it was going to be.
But because of time, I know that I will always have a best friend in him, and I will always have a home. And as the time comes for him to leave, and for us to part our different ways; him to Canada, and me to New England/Idaho, I know that we will always keep the time we have had together close to us. 
I welcome time. Let it come. Let it pass as it pleases. Let me continue to grow. Let me continue to have trials, and let me continue to grow from them. Please let me continue to trust the Lord, and to have faith in my plan.
These are my thoughts.
This is my prayer.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

You're an inspiration, Miss Whitney. I'm very blessed to be able to call you my friend.