
resolutions revisted.

I've been dreading looking at these for sometime now, because I know that I wasn't the best at keeping up on these this year. Today, in sacrament, the theme was resolutions and goals for the new year, and the last speaker said that it was important to appreciate what little gain we make instead of dwelling on everything we didn't make happen. Sooooo...that's what I'm going to try to do as I go over these. I am so ready to write out my goals for 2011 though. I am making some plans and setting goals and feeling inspired. that's the best feeling ever.

1. Eat healthier/lose some weight/work out:
Yeah, I totally failed on this one, until the last three weeks of this semester, where Dusty and I planned out legit meals for the rest of Fall. We actually followed through on most of them and ate full dinners on a somewhat general basis. It was nice. I hope I can keep that up with my roommate next semester.
2. Follow my budget/be financially stable:
Okay, this one was actually a winner. I paid of my credit card and have since stayed debt free (up until this last week where I might have bought my mom's sweater with my credit instead of my debit) but that's no big deal, cause I just got paid and I'll pay it off. so. Check.

3. Read a lot more. 2-3 books a month that are not required for school
Totally rocked this. Beach week helped me a lot, and my young adult lit class had me reading over seven books this semester.  Oh, and yes, i have jumped on the bandwagon called The Hunger Games, and am currently re-reading them with Dusty. So much fun, and really great to share the passion I have for reading with the person I love. Check.
4. Buy a Digital SLR.
I decided to buy a point and shoot in May in order to take pictures for all of the weddings I went to, but I'm holding off on buying my SLR for a while longer. The whole "staying out of debt " thing was a bit more important. But maybe buying this will be in the cards for me this year, I'm taking a photography class next semester and if I really click with it, than I might invest.
5. Three A's in the winter semester, and bring my GPA up to a 3.5 by the end of the year
...well, on the upside, I didn't fail any classes, and I got all A's and on B my spring semester. My GPA is higher...but not that high. I'll just keep working on it.

6. Start every morning with a prayer.
For the most part, yes. Check.
7. Work on trust issues.
one name: Dustin. I've never trusted someone so completely and fully as I do him. It was a lot of work, and it took a lot of time and a lot of give and take and patience, but I am more secure in him, in us, and in myself than I have ever been in my life. Check. 
8. Go some place I haven't been before
Seattle/Washington State. Check.
9. Be genuine.
I'm a lot better at this, but I could always use work. I got to really work on this during the spring semester, and in meeting new people, I tried really hard to be 100% myself. so. half check?
10. Write letters/emails frequently to support my friends on missions.
eh. it's fluctuated. I forgot to send Geoff's Christmas package. oops.
11. Floss.
FAIL. Just saw the dentist this last week, and while I remain cavity free (by some Christmas Miracle), he scolded me for my lack of flossing.
12. Take care of myself better, physically and emotionally. Know when to say when.
A little better, but still needs work. But I'm going to try really hard this week to fight for my knee replacement, and I hope I can actually win that battle.
13. Learn to accept my flaws and understand that people who can't don't matter.
this is on going, all of the time. But I've started to see my flaws as a big part of why I had the opportunity to cross paths in life with Dustin, and that makes me appreciate them and who they make me a whole lot more.

okay, so, not the best, but I have made some improvements over the last year. Just gotta keep working on myself and keep setting goals and not forgetting about them. I'm excited to write out my goals for next year, because I am making some big plans and have some really big goals that I want to achieve. I want to make myself proud, I want to keep growing and progressing, and most of all, I want to be able to be the best version of myself that I can be. I'm inspired and I'm motivated and most of all, I'm loving this part of who I am. I just... I'm just so grateful. I'm so blessed.
and best of all, I'm happy.

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