
I love you, be safe.

He is my best friend.
He is my answered prayer.

He is my miracle.

And every night, I fall on my knees and I pray for his success, for his comfort and for his safety. Because when things like this happen; I get scared that he might not come home to me. I get scared that I might not hear his laughter or see his smile or be able to count the freckles on his hands ever again; that nights eating taco bell and curled up in sweats and intwined with each other while we talk about dogs and jobs and futures will never happen again. But, I know that he is where he needs to be and that we have both been blessed for his choice to serve, for our obedience to the rules and for our faith that God will take care of both of us while we are apart. I cannot be afraid; for faith and fear cannot coexist. And I chose to have faith.

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