
some goals and other things

another lazy day in apartment number 6. well, not as lazy as yesterday.

This morning brought an intense clean out of the kitchen, along with reorganizing every freaking piece of kitchen equipment, utiensil and tupperwear lid that five of us have collected over the last two-three years. On top of that, turns out our kitchen wasn't white gloved by the girls who lived here last semester. We found quite a nasty little mess under the stove. NOT HAPPY BOB, NOT HAPPY! But we put on some good music and I got out my sticky notes (can't organize anything without those) and we went to work. I'm pretty sure we all lost some brain cells from the oven cleaning chemicals that Erin not only applied in heavy amounts to the oven, but to the fridge as well....I don't ask questions any more with that girl.

Rexburg is the deadest (is that a word?) I have ever seen it. I've been here for Thanksgiving break, the week break between winter and spring and now for the beginning of the seven week break and it is absolutely empty. It's so weird to not hear people walking around outside, and to see porter park void of all happy couples. A totally different vibe; it's peaceful here, minus the beeping of the construction trucks down the block every few minutes.

What a week. Studying for finals and packing and MEETING PARENTS and spenging lots of time with the Alpine boys who keep me on my toes and my life a bit more adventureous. I hope it stays that way next semester; it's been fun being around them. Ugh. I need to work on being secure in my new friends, especially those who I've come to be closest with. My insecurity about people not loving me and fear of being abandoned is one of the biggest things I don't like about myself. I'm working on it though. This break away from some people will be good for me to practice trust and being secure in friendships and believing.

That being said; I was thinking about last summer and how hard I worked at being a better person. I made a lot of progress in that time and I want to take the next seven weeks to work on myself some more. Working on goals and being accomplished is always a good thing.

so number 1: work on that trust/being secure in my friends! there is no reason why I should be fearful of things changing; my friends have never given me reason to doubt it. just believe.

number 2: SWIM EVERY FREAKING MORNING when I'm home. Not only will that help my knee feel better and hopefully help my lungs get back to full capacity, but it'll be good to get into some form of regular exercise. Plus, mom said the pool was 80 degrees. Perfect!

number 3: read read read and write write write. English major; let's get on this! Beach week will be a major help; all of the time and the sunshine and the back deck and my favorite chair.

number 4: family time. I really want to work on my relationships with my siblings. I feel so distant from them these days and I want to be friends with them, because we're at that age when that is actually possible.

number 5: write my missionaries once a week. I haven't written to Brett in forever! UGH! I fail as a womb buddy! I should write to BP soon and to Jon and Benjamin and Jaron. They'll all be coming home soon. weird.

number 6: lose some weight and eat lots of healthy things from the garden!

number 7: scripture study and prayer. Both of these things I have been lacking in the last few weeks and something that was said to me in a blessing a week ago really stuck out to me and so I'm gonna act on it.

ummm, that's it for right now. I think that's enough. Seven Goals. Seven Weeks. Let's improve some things!

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