
Dear 16-Year-Old Me

As a cancer survivor, this was one of the most powerful things I've seen in a while. It really hit home. As I watched it, though, I began to wonder what I would tell 16-year-old me, besides the cancer aspect. What would I warn her about? What would I want her to know? What are the lessons I've learned the hard way that I wish I could have warned myself about? And then I began to think about people I know, who have done incredible things with their lives, who have overcome adversity and I wondered what they would tell their 16-year-old selves. So, I asked.

Stay tuned this month to read my guest-bloggers and their letters to their 16 year-old-selves. I've already learned so much from the girls who've sent me their guest posts and I'm excited for you to read what each of these incredible individuals has to say.

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