
unpacking is dumb

wanna know what is weird? everyone in my house going to bed at nine. Last night, I tried to go to bed with them, because it was weird being awake for hours after everyone else, but I just laid on my back for hours until I finally fell asleep.

so, it's now midnight here and I'm still in the process of moving my room around (I need my bed against a wall for my left leg's protection next week) and I still haven't TOUCHED anything in the trunk of my car (minus my nintendo 64, because that is needed in order to bond with my brother). I thought to myself: "hey, put on Harry Potter on tape and unpack and clean" and then I got sucked into my China book and I just remembered I have to get up with the family tomorrow at 5:30 to take the kids to seminary. good thing I took a shower tonight.

Notice how I have NO clothes hung up yet. 

messy bed. 

Good thing I'm a believer of naps and weekend cleanouts. Also, my new phone should be here tomorrow! And. I printed out some of my favorite shots from this last semester and framed them super nice to put on my wall and my dad came in my room last night and asked me where he could find the prints because he really liked them and I got to say: "I TOOK THOSE!" yay! Sadly, I haven't taken a single photograph since I've been home because I don't know where my battery charger is packed and I also can't find my SD card. Oh the joys of moving home from across the country.

this is all. goodnight!

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