
I'm going back

So the story goes:
I have this incredible friend who lives in Oregon
and although we've been friends for four semesters,
only recently have my eyes been opened to how blessed and lucky I am to have her in my life.
I've learned so much from her strength and from her view on life
and from all of the time we've spent together this semester.
I honestly don't think I would be okay if she wasn't around to keep me on two feet.
and she's taking me home to Oregon this weekend
and back to the ocean
and back to the fresh air
and back to the mountains
and back to the green trees
and bento, and zebra hot chocolate and long car rides
and away from my life for a few days
and I couldn't be more thankful or excited
or feel so blessed to have her in my life.

I love you long time, Ms. Moore.
don't ever forget how beautiful and how loved you are.
and if you do, don't worry...
I will always be here to remind you if you forget.

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