
three days left.


it's 2:17 in the morning and I should be sleeping, but instead I am stressing out. of course.

here is the run down:

Current grade is a high c.
I am handing in some missing preps and my final paper tomorrow, which will help me out a little bit.
I then need to study hardcore for the final thursday evening. If I can pull off a B, I will be safe.

Church History:
Current grade is an A.
Final paper is turned in and tomorrow is my last class and my assignment is already done for it.
no worries.

Current grade is a 80.2
I bombed my last test. absolutely bombed it. so i expect that grade to go down some.
I handed in some missing homework last class and i need to look at my grade record tomorrow and make sure nothing else is missing.
I started my math final tonight and i NEED to do really well on it. If i can keep my grade at a C plus, I will get boosted a third of a grade because I had 100% attendance.

Current Grade is a solid B.
But I want to get it as high as possible, so I need to study hardcore for my final on friday.

World Foundations:
Current grade is also a solid B.
I outlined my final papers today and I will write them tomorrow and hand them in.
I shouldn't be worried about this one.

Current grade is a C.
POOP! I had a 79.4 yesterday and today i have a 76 because Symone and I mis-read the assignment from last week and we both got bad grades. I emailed my professor and explained the situation and asked if I could fix it for a better grade and I also asked her if I had any hope of getting a B- in her class. Hopefully she will get back to me ASAP and things will work out.

A. no worries.

Okay. so things look like they will be okay. I just have a lot of studying to do, and on top of all of that, I have to work tomorrow and thursday, clean for white glove, pack and sell back books and finish christmas shopping.
there isnt enough time in the day.

i can do this, i can do this, i can do this.

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